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"When I can wake up for it; Charity's class is like a body-mind-spirit centering breakfast! I feel awake at 9:30am and ready to tackle any obstacle! The body and mind are aligned and my spirit is bursting with joy and love. Both for myself (which is not something I experience very often) and for the world."

"Loved loved this session. My body felt really good afterwards, even though I havent moved in a few months. I appreciated that Charity set the mood in the beginning of the session based on my preferences. Music, injuries, etc."

"I’ve taken yoga classes for many years and signed up to Charity’s class offered in a virtual format due to COVID. She is a phenomenal instructor. Her pace and form is exquisite and she very effectively instructs and guides the class in how to do a pose correctly and also how to achieve the benefit of the pose. I highly recommend taking a class with Charity!"

"I feel really stretched out. It had some muscle strengthening but not so much I felt overwhelmed. Also really liked the mantras and the message shared during the savasana." 

"SUCH a yoga class this am! Idk what was going on, but you were sayin' [allll] the things my spirit needed to hear! 🙏🏼"

"The class was both challenging and relaxing. Charity does a great job of encouraging those taking the class to listen to our bodies and really empowers us to make the class our own by getting in touch with the limitations and the strength of our bodies. She explains the poses well so you don't feel like you have to constantly look up at her to make sure you are doing it right. I will definitely take more classes from Charity!"

"I love this class. It reminds me I Am More than Enough."

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